Everyone Can Code
"Technology has a language. It’s called code. And we believe coding is an
essential skill. Learning to code teaches you how to solve problems and
work together in creative ways. And it helps you build apps that bring your
ideas to life. We think everyone should have the opportunity to create
something that can change the world. So we’ve designed a programme
that lets anyone learn, write and teach code." #Apple

Coding is the most important and demanding skills in the modern era. The main reason
behind to earn coding is that every domain of human life , business and industry
technologies are around them.
Do you want to learn coding online? There are lots of website which provide free coding
courses but before write to any code first we have to select any computer programming
languages just we as human being talk different languages like english, Hindi, French,
Chinese these are called human languages used to communicate between two person
similarly there are many computer programming languages used to write code and that
written code computer can easily understand.
Here is some most common programming languages C,C++, Java, python, PHP,HTML,CSS,
JavaScript etc.
Coding And Programming are both are related to each other but there are some difference
between both terms
What Is The Difference Between Coding & Programming?
Coding is subset of Programming since it actually implements the initial steps of
For example: Write a program to multiply two number
When we start learning programming to to write code for above program we will have to
write algorithms or in simple logic to write efficient program.
1. FlowChat or pseudo code
2. Algorithm design
3. Time and space analysis
4. Select programming languages
5. Write code of the logic with given programming syntax
6. Compile and run
7. Deploy
int main()
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = a * b;
printf("Multiplication of the two number is %d",c);
return 0;
Coding is the process of translating and writing codes from one language to another
whereas Programming is the process of building an executable program that can be used to
carry out proper machine level outputs.
So we offer online and classroom training a programme that lets anyone learn, write and
teach code. For first-time coders, You’ll learn the basics and experiment with coding and
build real word applications.