Python Flask
Learn Introduction to flask , Routing, Flask URL building, templates, forms,
database and more
What you'll learn
User authentication authorization with flask
Create simple REST API with flask
User flask create web pages
Use WT Forms to accept user inputs from a Flask Application
₹ 12, 000
This course includes
1 week -Duration
Online Training
Direct 1-on-1 sessions
Certificate of Completion
Course Content
Introduction to flask
Installing flask
Virtual environment
Creating first simple web application with flask
Basic routes
Flask - URL building
Introduction to flask jinja2 templates
Templates variable
Template inheritance
Rendering template
Flask model and Database
Create Database
Connect to the database
Insert data
Update data
Remove data
Find data etc.
Accessing request data
Accessing query string
Combined form query string
Accessing form fields
Authorization and authentication
Working with user
User authentication with password
Flask login
Flask - Session
Flask rest APIs
Introduction to REST
Authorization with flask
REST API with database
Python programming language with OOPs concept
Basic knowledge of web development
Learn Python Flask from the comfort of your home. You will be able to start awesome
programming in no time at all. We have created an easy to follow course that will get you up and running in a few short hours. Solidify your understanding of the most popular web framework for Python with our sessions, work book and quizzes. Each session is designed for you to become immediately productive as you near
completion of the entire set.
Join hundreds of happy students who've enrolled in our Flask-based Python class! Our complete and comprehensive curriculum includes a variety of carefully developed exercises, solved examples, step-by-step-walkthroughs, quizzes and tests, an interactive experience and other added extras.
Whether you're completely new to programming or already have basic knowledge and experience in Python, this course will take your coding skills to the next level!